Charismatic Confusion

I’ve been amazed in Korea how much Charismatic confusion there is. For instance, speaking in tongues seems normal in people from almost all denominations, and even though they do not know what they are saying, they think they are “more spiritual” by speaking in tongues than someone earnestly praying in the Spirit using the promises of the word of God. At MTI, when missionaries are being commissioned, it is normal that most of the other missionaries pray in Korean for just a minute then turn to tongues. A good number of MTI students are not clear about what is “more spiritual.” The charismatic claims about their practices and experiences being “more spiritual” have many questioning whether they have the “fullness” they should have.

The following PPT’s summarize three of the biggest issues in sorting out Charismatic confusion.

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Charismatic Confusion

Kebingungan karismatik (2023)

카리스마틱 (은사주의) 의 혼란 Charismatic Confusion Korean

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