“The Grace of God in Christ” PPT

Here are the 100 gifts in “The Grace of God in Christ eBook” and “Daily Joy in the LORD” made into helpful PPT pictures.  100 gifts of delight we receive in God’s great gift of the Lord Jesus Christ.

All the gifts are the grace of God in Christ that result from his death and resurrection.

All the gifts are who Jesus is to us as crucified and reigning Lord and Savior.  The gifts are not gifts of “stuff” that Jesus gives.  The gifts are all Jesus is to those who trust him as the only crucified and risen Son of God, Son of Man, the Christ-Messiah at the Father’s right hand who will return in God’s glory to reign forever with the Father in God’s everlasting kingdom.

Each picture has a non-Christian vs. Christian so you can compare and ask questions as you share with a friend, especially the first section of basic gospel truths. There is power in contrast.

Click below to download

The Grace of God in Christ PPT (May 2024)

Kasih Karunia Allah Dalam Kristus 100 PPT (Feb 2022)

La grace de Dieux en Christ PPT (Aout 2023)

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